Getting to know you: Why telling new teachers to ‘build relationships’ is bad advice.

Very similar thoughts to what I thought at start of NQT Year last year – both rules and relationships are important but rules have to come first chronologically for learning to happen at it’s best.


As we move inexorably towards the start of a new school year, thousands of trainee and newly qualified teachers are waiting to embark on their careers. If they are anything like I was as, they’re desperately clinging on to every piece of advice and guidance they can with open, grateful and anxious arms. And, like an over-protective parent, Twitter is awash with hashtag-NQT-advice.

This tweet in particular seems to have gained some support, appearing in my timeline on several occasions and receiving nearly 1000 retweets.

The idea here is one I’ve encountered many times before. This tweet is obviously about the first lesson, but it reflects a bigger idea in education that I think is unhelpful. This idea is that building relationships…

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